Sakura me

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
On this day:

Links I Clicked on Today

Shovel Snow In Winter to Cool Your House in Summer

Interesting but utterly useless link. Any place that gets enough snow to actually make this work, doesn't need air conditioning in the summer!! But kind of a neat idea anyway. It's always good to have ideas that would cut back on the use of fossil fuel generated electricity. However, you also have to consider if everyone did this then all the snow melt that would usually end up in streams and rivers and lakes would be trapped until the end of the summer. I think you would cause more problems than you would solve. Still worth a quick read though.

The Future Is Now: 3D TV

This is going to be so cool when it is more mainstream (i.e. affordable)!! This kind of reminds me of the movie Minority Report where there are television screens with advertisements that scan your retina, know who you are, and speak to you directly. Creepy, huh?

Bring Your Own Bag

If you're the kind of person who cares enough to take your own bags to the grocery store, you'll understand what the article means when it explains feeling pissed when you realize you've forgotten to bring your bags from home. Chad and I try to bring our own bags sometimes. I'd like to do it all the time, but the looks you get from people are kind of annoying. If there is someone there doing the bagging, it's kind of awkward to ask "Would you use these bags please?" At a place like Whole Foods, it isn't really a problem, but at the local ACME, well, let's just say it doesn't happen very often there. We need something here like in Ireland where all plastic bags are 5 cents or something. So if you use their bags you have to pay but if you bring your own you don't. While 5 cents isn't that much, I think more people would actually stop and think about it. It wouldn't matter to some people who just don't care how much they spend, but to the majority of us, it would probably be just enough deterrent to convince us to bring our own bags.

Japanese/Asian Inspired Furniture

As I've said in my blog before I absolutely love Japanese aesthetics. This website has a lot of good examples of traditional Japanese-style furniture. My parents have a step tansu in their house and I adore it. I've love a bunch of Japanese style furniture in my house. Too bad it's generally too damn expensive for me. Ikea all the way baby!

Google Gives Free Wi-fi

Someday all wi-fi will be free everywhere (maybe) and it will be pretty cool. People will worry about identity theft and the privacy of their information if everything is just floating through the air but I still think it'd be cool to have free wireless internet everywhere.


  • thats a very insightful comment about snow melt not getting to where it needs to go. i wouldnt have thought of that so i am glad you did as it saves me from going out and digging a hole in the cement out here on st. marks place. which probably would have gotten me arrested. but hey, saves me from figuring out what to do with my life.

    im going to go buy a shovel.

    By Blogger Bambina, at 8:48 AM  

  • what i really wanted to say is: my Mom has this fan in thailand with a little canister for ice and it basically makes air conditioning. you just keep adding ice whenever it melts off. pretty neat :)

    By Blogger Bambina, at 8:49 AM  

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