Sakura me

Friday, August 25, 2006
On this day:

Links I Clicked on Today

Pluto Not A Planet

All I can say is woop-deee-friggin-doo. Who cares? I still don't get the purpose of the space program. Sure it's "cool" but is it really necessary to spend billions of dollars on this sort of thing?!?!? I think we should focus our attention back onto the only planet that really matters and try to fix the problems here first.

Hikaru Plays Nintendo DS

How many of you knew or know Hikaru? I did when I was in High School. Of course we weren't best friends or anything so we haven't kept in touch, but sometimes I wish I had somehow kept in touch with her. Yeah she's super famous, but she's also just a great person. This article (although not really focussed on her that much) shows that she has a fun-loving spirit which is just awesome. She also did some commercials for the Nintendo DS which is also awesome. (I have one by the way!)

Hikaru Tetris Video

And here's a complete video of the battle!! She beat 26 out of 30 contestants! Pretty impressive!!

A Government With A Budget SURPLUS!!

So the federal government can't do it, but MY city (Philadelphia) can!! But of course, the article says that the money will be spent pretty quickly. Who wants to bet that it is spent on frivolous things? Now why can't they find a way to save and invest it so that it can become a large sum of money to be used for something like, oh I don't know, improving the public transportation system in the city? Well, maybe we'll be surprised by what they spend it on but it'll probably be something stupid.

Nintendo Apron

This would be really cool if the girl wasn't so scary looking. Have you noticed yet that I like Nintendo?? I would totally use an apron like this one.

Arrested for using a PSP?


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