Sakura me

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
On this day:

Links I Clicked on Today

Build Your Own Wind Turbine

Ever wanted to build your own wind turbine to generate electricity? This seems way too complicated for me and I'm not sure I get enough wind to make it worthwhile. But I thought I would put it out there for you!

Movies of Japan

Thanks to my sister for sending me this awesome link. Here are a bunch of videos about life in Japan. When I went to the site there was a picture of people making yakitori on the front page. I LOVE yakitori. I think it's my favorite Japanese food. I make it once in a while but it's never as good as getting it from a festival vendor.

U.S. Independence Revocation

Leave it to John Cleese. Thanks to Marissa for this hilarious link.

Fast Drinker

Ahh, the crazy Japanese game shows. Watch a guy drink an entire bottle of water (it looks like maybe 2 liters?) in less than 5 seconds.

Rainbow Flag Part 1
Rainbow Flag Part 2

The flag isn't even up for gay reasons! What has this county come to when people are so offended by a simple rainbow? Do they get up in arms at the world when a natural rainbow is created by the refraction of sunlight after a rain shower?? This is just absurd. But I congratulate the proprietors of the Inn who are taking a stand and have vowed to keep flying the flag. There is potential danger in that and it takes courage to make a stand when it doesn't even seem to be your own fight.

Visualize WiFi Networks

This awesome device is a camera that scans the interior of a room for wireless signals and then it creates an image out of the wireless signal and projects that onto a wall (or other surface). This looks totally awesome!!

Legal Documents for Same-Sex Couples

This site is a great resource for same-sex couples who cannot have a legal marriage or civil union. There are a number of legal ways to gain similar rights as married couples.

Organic Bakery in Barcelona

God I love bread! And Barcelona. And the idea of Organic. This place is ideal for me!! I want to go back to Barcelona ... it was awesome there!

Zero-Emission Boeing Plane

I love how the headline says "Zero-Emission" yet the second sentence of the article says "The only emissions from such a plane would be water vapor." Umm, that doesn't equal zero emissions does it? It would be cool though to have an eco-freindly airplane. But is it going to happen in our lifetime? I don't know ... Maybe they can combine fuel cell technology with solar and wind energy. Solar power can be used to generate electricity that can be used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then the hydrogen and oxygen can be combusted to propel the aircraft. The movement of the craft can spin wind turbines attached the wings, thus adding more electricity into the mix to power on-board systems and the water-splitting aparatus. The water generated from the reaction between oxygen and hydrogen can be captured and recycled in a never ending loop. What do you think? could it ever work? I doubt it. The amount of electricity needed and the volume of water are probably too high. But it's an interesting idea.

101 Lessons for Project Management

This looks like a great list. I looked through a couple and they make sense. I intend to go through all (or most) of these at some point. To a certain degree I want to say that it is generally common sense stuff, but I guess it is good to have it written out somewhere for reference.


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